Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority
Biosolids Programs
Class A Biosolids Program
Lime Pasteurized Product for Gardens
TRRWA produces a high quality Class A EQ (Exceptional Quality) biosolids product that must meet the strictest pathogen standards, based on federal treatment and monitoring requirements Quality standards are regulated through the Federal Clean Water Act The federal biosolids rule is contained in 40 CRF Part 503
The Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Plant is a 26 MGD (million gallons per day) facility that produces biosolids from wastewater discharged into the plant from the City of Longview, City of Kelso, Beacon Hill Water Sewer District, and Cowlitz County
Biosolids from this process are available.
Do you have any questions?
Contact Us!
(360) 577-2040

Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority
- 467 Fibre Way
Longview, WA 98632

View our Biosolids Program Documents
Fact And Uses
Soil Conditioner
This is a unique soil conditioner & nutrient product that contains slow-release forms of nitrogen and phosphorous, as well as organic matter. It also possesses a significant advantage to Northwest soils as it counteracts the soil acidity. It is granular in nature, damp, and can be applied using standard tillage equipment. This can be used on all agricultural crops and turf. It can be odorous when applied, but this dissipates quickly upon application and incorporation.
PH 12.22
- Use product as soon as possible to mitigate potential odor; otherwise, place a tarp over product
- Spread up to 1 1/2 inches on surface
- Thoroughly mix into soil so product is no longer visible
- Wash hands after
Biosolids Sample Data on a Dry Weight Basis
Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority
Serving our Citizens
The Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority (TRRWA) is a municipal corporation organized pursuant to a Washington Joint Municipal Utility Services Agreement between Cowlitz County, the City of Longview, the City of Kelso, and Beacon Hill Water & Sewer District.