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Capacity & Planning

Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority

System Development Charges (SDC's)

Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority operates under a long-range expansion projection plan

To cover plant expansion expenses, SDCs were created for all new developments occurring within the service area of the TRRWA. SDCs are a means of assessing fees that are used to bank funds to accommodate future expansion and construction needs. The methodology is derived by consultants and the final number is approved by the Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Operating Board. The current SDC fee is $1,560 per ERU for residential customers. As designed, the plan is continuously monitored and tightly managed. This plans included assessments of capacity in the existing system, including treatment capacity.


View our Capital Improvement Documents

Mission Statement

To always provide the best possible wastewater and biosolids treatment for the citizens served by the Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority in accordance with all Federal, State, and Local regulations and in accordance with the policies set by the Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority; thereby, ensuring public health safety, protection of the receiving stream, and protection of the environment.


Operating Board

Dell Hillger

Beacon Hill Water & Sewer District (Chairman)

Michael Kardas

City of Kelso (Vice Chairman)

Patrick Harbison

Cowlitz County

Ken Hash

City of Longview

Board of Directors

Mike Wallin

City of Longview (Chairman)

Monte Roden

Beacon Hill Water & Sewer District (Vice Chairman)

Dennis Weber

Cowlitz County

Brian Wood

City of Kelso



Goal Statements

 To review, evaluate, and implement new and/or different procedures and technologies which will assist in achieving our mission and goals; and 

 To deal courteously and honestly with the public and to respond to their needs and requests as they relate to the service provided. 

Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority

Serving our Citizens

The Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority (TRRWA) is a municipal corporation organized pursuant to a Washington Joint Municipal Utility Services Agreement between Cowlitz County, the City of Longview, the City of Kelso, and Beacon Hill Water & Sewer District.